Stay tuned for video and more SS when live updated tomorrow !!! XD super excited
I hope im not dead like last two events XD
3rd pic is reward for ILPK 3rd anniversary, unfortunately we gotta wait till September TT
Main event
Claw machine event \^o^/ ( I will make video tomorrow)
Games guides
Claw machine/ UFO catcher
- Quite simple
- Start and stop button are the same
- keep ur hand on the button
- press start to move the claw from left to right and back to left.
- stop to drop it
- Have to aim directly on top of the toy u want
- Especially if it have toys on their left and right side
- If they dont have toys around them, the slightly left or right doesn't matter
Gain experience and get rewards (coin and exp potion) i rather get cash lol
2x style up event
Treasure hunt event will end, date TBA.
New Fishing Rewards
I think we are 1 reward behind ILPK, so this might come next next updateCash expansion on sale
Shopping Guides
1+1 aka 50 percent off on oriental processor and group customer dish machine
Sorry I didnt get ss as the event already passed in ILPK.
Lucky Bebe achievement rewards
- Third tab will appear to achievement windows. (tap on level under party bell)
- I think it is the the 3 specific one that u can buy on next update. It got to be strawberry, blueberry and mango Bebe.
Buy Cash Rewards
Buy certain amount of cash to get Bebe, u can choose what bebe u want (mango, blueberry and strawberry). get all 3 for to get the achievement reward.
accumulated buying cash during this period will get u dock and stairs (300 cash) and roof for 500 cash
Theme Sales
Ignore the dates, its for ILPK
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