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Sunday 19 April 2015

Patron Charles

Updated 6/10/2016 since last new vip charles cooking school update which i forget when XD, u no longer play bingo with charles but take order like other patron

Updated 10/8/2015 Added tip how to get great 1 dishes and what menu to choose

Thanks to Noval, N.

1. Charles (new patron) has 10 levels (min lvl requirement lv27)
2. Instead of taking order, you PLAY BINGO with Charles
3. When you defeat Charles, all of your dish are instantly sold out plus he'll give you Wine.
4. Special Talk will also finish selling your dishes (so always prepare dish with highest exp)
5. Cool down is 3 hr 30 min
6. Fondness Special Talk 18 (fail 12). Play Bingo 15( fail 12). 

 Charles cooking school 

You can go to cooking school every 3 hours, gotta answer 3 question using 10 puzzles and get it 100 points to open your own menu. You can choose what type of pasta sauce you want, ingredient, stove or oven. For more info please watch the video. LOL Charles kick me from the kitchen hahhaha. It wont allow me naming it as Hell pasta or pasta from hell hahahhaaha.Menu is graded from 10 to 1. 1 is being the best.

You can open one 'create your own menu', more menu with 10 cash.  To get rewards you gotta sell the menu (cook them in oven or stove

How to get grade 1 menu? 
You need to raise Charles fondness level and have high cooking points as well. First time I only got grade 6, then I style up my employee and level up Charles then I move to level 5.  My employee haven't wear all S grade yet since Im to lazy to style them lol and I run out of puzzle. So far I've seen lvl 3 grade dish from my friend.

What Menu to choose?
So far I didnt see any relation with what type of menu to obtaining the grade. The way you cook it does though, coz I play with bluestack and tip the sauce, so I got grade 6. Delete it make a new one (with same progress of charles fondness and cooking point) I got grade 5.

As what to choose basically depend on the reward you want to get. I like the seafood oil sauce as you got chance to get the pasta machine and worktables.  But of course you can try to collect them all if you want.

Charles cooking school video. 


  1. Akubdah level 18, tp sama sekali belum pernah ketemu charles dan patron lainnya??? Bagaimana cara bertemu dengan mereka???

    1. naikin level ny dlu aja ka . ada requirement level untuk bisa ketemu patron .

    2. berarti kalau untuk charles, hrs level 27 ya ?

  2. kak, cara jadikan dia patron gimana yaa?

  3. biasanya nanti muncul notifikasi dy lagi jalan2 di sekitar cafe kita. nah lakukan steet fair sebanyak 3 kali . kira2 beberapa jam lagi dy bakal nongol dah di cafe kitaa
